Grams to Ounces Converter

Different countries use different measurement systems for recipe ingredients, such as grams and ounces. To follow a recipe correctly, it's essential to measure ingredients accurately. This Grams to Ounces Converter tool helps convert grams to ounces with precision, which is especially important for cooking, baking, nutrition, shipping, and weight measurements.


Conversion Information:

1 gram = 0.03527396 ounces. 1 ounce = 28.3495 grams.

Related Conversions

The Grams to Cups website offers various conversion tools to help measure food ingredients and other items accurately. It also provides precise information to ensure correct measurements. Here, you’ll find links to additional conversion tools that you can use daily for your convenience.

Common Conversions

Here are some common conversions presented in a table format, where various food ingredients and essential items are converted from grams to ounces. This helps you quickly find the measurements for commonly used items.

Grams Ounces Common Usage
1 g0.04 ozCooking ingredients
5 g0.18 ozBaking measurements
10 g0.35 ozPostal packages
25 g0.88 ozJewelry weight
50 g1.76 ozFood portions
100 g3.53 ozMedicine dosages
250 g8.82 ozCoffee measurements
500 g17.64 ozPrecious metals
1000 g35.27 ozScientific measurements

What Is Grams to Ounces Converter?

The Grams to Ounces Converter is an essential tool used to quickly and accurately convert grams to ounces or ounces to grams. Since grams belong to the metric system and ounces to the imperial system, conversion becomes necessary for many items, including cooking, baking, nutrition, shipping, and weight measurements. This tool stands out by providing precise and reliable results.

Conversion Formula


In this Grams to Ounces Converter tool, users can convert grams to ounces and vice versa. The Swap Unit button allows easy switching between both units. Simply enter the value, press the Convert button, and the result will be displayed instantly. You can also use the Reset button to enter a new value. This conversion is based on a multiplication formula to ensure accurate results.

Here, you can see the formulas used for the Grams to Ounces Converter:

Grams to Ounces Formula:

Ounces=Grams28.3495\text{Ounces} = \frac{\text{Grams}}{28.3495}

For example, if you want to convert 10 grams to ounces:

0.35 oz=10 Grams28.3495\text{0.35 oz} = \frac{\text{10 Grams}}{28.3495}

Ounces to Grams Formula:

Grams=Ounces×28.3495\text{Grams} = \text{Ounces} \times 28.3495

For example, if you want to convert 5 oz to grams:

5×28.3495=141.75 g5 \times 28.3495 = 141.75 \text{ g}