Grams to Tablespoons Converter

The Grams to Tablespoons Converter is a useful and essential tool for converting between grams (weight) and tablespoons (volume). With this tool, measuring ingredients like sugar, butter, salt, oil, honey, etc. for recipes becomes much easier. Simply select the ingredient or enter its density, then input the grams or tablespoons value and click the convert button to get accurate results.


Conversion Information:

Select an ingredient to see conversion details.

Related Conversions

Along with Grams to Tablespoons conversion, if you need more tools like Grams to Cups, Grams to Ounces, etc., a complete list of converter tools is shared below. You can check them out to simplify your daily measurement tasks.

Popular Ingredient Conversions:

Select an ingredient below to quickly update the converter:

Common Conversions

If you want to know the grams-to-tablespoons conversion for sweetening beverages, baking cookies, making caramel, etc., a table is provided here with a list of common ingredients and their conversions. This list will surely help you with accurate measurements.

Grams Tablespoons Common Usage

What Is Grams to Tablespoons Converter?

The Grams to Tablespoons Converter is another useful tool that provides accurate and quick results by converting ingredient measurements from grams to tablespoons for recipes. Everyone has a different way of measuring ingredients—some prefer grams, while others use spoons. This tool is especially helpful during cooking and baking because different ingredients have different densities, making the conversion vary for each.

How to Convert Grams to Tablespoons?


With this tool, converting an ingredient's grams (weight) to tablespoons (volume) is very easy. First, select the ingredient. If the ingredient is not available in the list, choose the Custom Ingredient option, add its name, and enter its density. Then, input the grams or tablespoons value and click the Convert button to see the conversion result. The process is simple and user-friendly.

Step 1: Select the ingredient from the dropdown list.

Step 2: If your ingredient is not listed, choose Custom Ingredient, enter its name and density (g/tbsp).

Step 3: Enter the grams or tablespoons value you want to convert.

Step 4: Click the Convert button to see the accurate conversion result.

Step 5: View the conversion output instantly and use it for your recipes, nutrition tracking, or measurements.

Conversion Formula

This converter calculator uses a simple division and multiplication formula based on universal values. All calculations in this tool follow this formula, which you can see below.

To convert grams to tablespoons, use:

$$\text{Tablespoons} = \frac{\text{Grams}}{\text{Density (g/tbsp)}}$$

To convert tablespoons to grams, use:

$$\text{Grams} = \text{Tablespoons} \times \text{Density (g/tbsp)}$$

These formulas ensure accurate conversions based on the density of each ingredient.